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    watch Abandoned High School Music Video (The Wild Wild - "Wake Up")

    All I can think about is the dust!
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    Hello :)

    Thank you seanmannion :) You got me there. Once there was a woman who slept for 11 hours for no apparent reason. She woke up, made a coffee, then turned on her computer. She went on a site called Indie Talk and replied to some people who had welcomed her to the forums. When she typed 'Indie...
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    movies What's the last film you watched? And rate it!

    The Avengers: Infinity War - 3/5. Obviously it's a fantastic movie and all that but I haven't seen all the ten thousand other Marvel movies so a lot of Infinity War was hard for me to follow. if I'd seen all the others it would probably be a 4 or 5. As far I remember there was only one of those...
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    Hello :)

    Thank you mlesemann and indietalk. I don't know that I'd go so far as to call me an actual writer haha
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    Hello :)

    Thanks :)
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    Hello :)

    Thank you :)
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    Hello :)

    Hello everyone, my name is Angela :) I'm 31 and I live in Queensland, Australia. When I was younger I wrote terrible short stories screenplays (that were never finished). Succinct isn't a word you'd use to describe me so the condensed version is; I used to write a lot, found myself in a...