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  1. R

    Feel Like Helping An Indie Comedy Get On Netflix?

    So my microbudget indie comedy "Waiting For Ophelia", starring Yeardley Smith ("The Simpsons"), has been listed as a Coming Soon title on Netflix. Turns out, though, that Netflix doesn't actually order the DVDs from us until enough people have added the movie to their queues. We don't really...
  2. R

    "Waiting For Ophelia" Starring Yeardley Smith

    Hey all, Just wanted to share a link to the website where I'm selling the DVD of my film Waiting For Ophelia. It's a microbudget relationship comedy starring (and executive produced by) Yeardley Smith, who won an Emmy for her work voicing Lisa Simpson on "The Simpsons". We played a couple of...
  3. R

    Hello, I Must Be Going

    Hey all... my name's Adam and I'm an L.A.-based filmmaker. I made my first microbudget indie in 1996 and just recently started distribution on my third. I look forward to talking shop and solving all the world's problems with you all... AC