
Lethal Injection Film Entertainment
Way to many to count. If you'd like to check them out go to my website. www.enterlifenow.com
Favorite Film(s)
Shawshank Redemption- Just one of the best and most heartfelt movies I have ever seen. You have to love Tim Robins as Andy because he's just a regular joe trying to survive in prison.

The Dark Night - One of the most developed villians of all time. Just a great movie packed with everything you could want. Love, hate, romance, action, fighting, guns, money...etc.

The Godfather Part 1 - One of the best mafia movies ever.

Up In The Air - Such a good depressing movie with an amazing actor.

Saving Private Ryan - The epicness of the movie I think speaks for itself, and who doesn't love Tom Hanks?

Se7en - Just a fantastic story and great acting.

Clockwork Orange - because of its randomness I found it great.

The Departed - Absolutely loved the way it was filmed.

District 9 - Whats not to like? Low budget, based off a short, the guys first time acting.

Up - Just a great animated movie that was fun to watch and played with your emotions.

Wall-e - Although it had fe




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