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use of color in films

I'm writing a paper on the use of color in films, so I would appreciate if you could write down films that you remember especially for their use of color. They can be of any genre and period, the more the better.
Thanks a lot :)
Google Vittorio Storaro ASC,he is a legendary DOP famous for color theory,that is each color has its own meaning. He published a book recently but it is quite pricey.
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I think much of Wong Kar-Wai's work, especially In The Mood For Love has great use of color. Happy Together also has really unique use of color, using different color schemes throughout the film.

Zhang Yimou is a master of using color in cinema as well. Raise The Red Lantern, Hero, Ju Dou, The Road Home, and To Live use color masterfully (I'm sure his other films do too!)

Anything shot by Christopher Doyle has great use of color as well.

A relatively underrated director when it comes to color is Yasujiro Ozu who did really great color work on Equinox Flower, An Autumn Afternoon, Floating Weeds, and just about any of his color films.

I'm sure there are others but those are some that come to my mind right now.
The Conformist (dance hall windows)
Sin City
Schindler's List
Sweeney Todd
Only God Forgives
Wizard of Oz (and sequel)
Natural Born Killers
House of Flying Daggers
Life of Pi
Three Colors Trilogy
Blue is the Warmest Color
- and really, most films (but not as literally..)
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Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? - Innovative grading techniques
Fargo - Great use of color temperature
The Matrix - Look that really suits the subject matter, amazing looking to this day
The Red Shoes - Unbelievable beautiful
Enter the Void - Trippy and surreal visuals that bring life and wonder to the screen
Schindler's List - Innovative grading technique, amazing imagery
Taxi Driver - Amazing, especially at the end, with warm reddish-colors used as symbolism for the situation
In the Mood for Love - Just stunning, rich imagery
Mulholland Drive - Stunning imagery
The Wizard of Oz - Innovative techniques and wondrous, amazing imagery, first film to be partially made in color
Pleasantville - Innovative and at the time - mind blowing
Sin City - Same as above
Sixth Sense - Color and symbolism
Vertigo - Maddening images and compositing to make us feel like the main character
Amelie - Just amazing
Gone with the Wind - First movie ENTIRELY made in color
2001: A Space Odyssey - It's a Kubrick movie.
Eyes Wide Shut - It's a Kubrick movie.
The Shining - It's a Kubrick movie.
Kill Bill - Amazing looking visuals
The Three Colors Trilogy - Title says it all
Traffic - Great use of color filters
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Looks amazing, great use of color temperature.
Hero - Just.... wow. :)
Oh! Great addition for you - Spike Lee's "Do The Right Thing"

I absolutely hate the film... so much. But it's critically renowned for being one of his best, and it's use of color is especially interesting - lots of very vibrant, hot colors. He uses them intentionally to reflect the increasing physical temperature in the film (It's a hot summer day) and he also uses them to make the viewer a bit anxious. (That and the amazingly mind-grating, extremely loud dialogue)

Still a wonderful example of how color was used creatively in a film though.