
I always thought I mostly understood tides, but I just watched Neal deGrasse Tyson on the you tube, and it turns out I had it ass-backwards. The water doesn't move at all! Cool! Thanks, Professor NdGT :)

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That intro sums up my interaction with so many people.

You're the guy with the simple answer right?

"Well, I have one potential answer within a matrix of potential answers that the evidence we currently validate would indicate to be the most practical solution we have at the present moment given the"

Them: "It turns out I hate you"
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ted 2 friends GIF

Reminds me of that time I got stoned and thought... what if the wind isn't even moving right now, and it's the EARTH that moving...
I just loved that I just understood something, for the first time, that it seems I should have known all my life. I do love me some science :)