Rifftrax - if you haven't heard of these, you need to.

Remember the Mystery Science Theater guys? They're back. Remeber how they only riffed on old movies? Surely, that was a copywrite issue. You obviously could not do their schtick on top of a modern copywritten movie.

Unless, you only recorded the audio. The way it works is simple. You buy their rifftrax for a few bucks, as an audio mpeg. You rent the actual video. Instructions are provided as how to sync them up, then you laugh your ass off, as these guys make fun of EVERY modern movie made.

I've only seen one, so far. You might be able to guess which one I watched. And yes, it was hilarious. A friend of mine told me I HAVE TO see the Twighlight rifftrax. Alas, I'm not going to have time to watch any movies until August (with the exception of "Inception" -- no way in hell am I missing the midnight premeire of that one).
