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OMG! FP in HD via GH2


It's been a while. A long while. Too long? That depends on who you ask. ;)

Was away doing some soul searching after leasing it to :devil: for a stint, wondering what it means to be a filmmaker, asking those big questions to life's little problems. Or was it the little questions to life's big problems? Not woe-is-me, but out of sorts and free-falling into a creative morass. Not To be or not to be land, but rather Eye of newt, toe of frog, Nothing can come of nothing, and What light through yonder window breaks? territory. [The last quote should be promptly followed by one of those farts that start all squeaky and thin then explode into a wet mess. You know the kind. Right? Right? Come on. I know you do...]

After tackling the Snail Series (nope, not over yet) I had this terrible feeling that I forgot how to make a movie. Being serious! Just was feeling uninspired, beat down, drifting under the clouds of doubt...

So exactly what was my solution to the remedy of the problem inside the enigma wrapped in bacon topped with adobo sauce? Why, the only reasonable solution of course... Buy a new camera!

OK, so I've sipped the Kool-Aid, chugged the purple drink, dipped my toes in the shallow end, took the plunge in the deep end, and now I'm splashing around like that little kid in JAWS did when everyone else makes it to the shore -- except him.

While I wait for all the gear to show up (which incidentally is almost a carbon copy of Luce's) I'm really hoping this lights the fire under my fanny to get serious and seriously start cranking out some cinema for the fat asses of the cat masses. You heard me. What the world needs now is... more kitty videos!!

Or not.

Hey, anyone want to buy a GH2? Brand new. Unopened box...

High Def Jeff is available for capturing all your special event needs! Including but not limited to: bar mitzvahs (with DVD highlights of circumcision), Tee Ball tryouts, cake decorating parties, senior living sendoff memorials, pet funerals (rain or shine), puppet shows, spelling bees, or eating competitions.

And yes, for those of you wondering... There Will Be Hacking.
Just earlier today, i was thinking about you and where you've been after CF mentioned Bernie Lawson in another thread. And here you are.

Good to see you back and i think we're going to see some amazing work from you soon!
[The last quote should be promptly followed by one of those farts that start all squeaky and thin then explode into a wet mess. You know the kind. Right? Right? Come on. I know you do...]

Pleading the fifth on this one.

I had this terrible feeling that I forgot how to make a movie.

You have one of the most colourful and kaleidoscopic minds ever. You've never forgotten how to make a film.

I think you just need to get out of that "doing everything for free" rut.

You're worth more. :cool:
Looking forward to seeing what you do with it! New gear can often be inspiring, and despite your obvious desire to be like brianluce (maybe so Bernie will talk to you again?) I'm sure you'll do some crazy awesome stuff!

And more snails, of course!
Thanks folks. It feels good. :)

Zen, plan on getting in front of the lens on one of those kaleidoscopic flicks.

Time to storm Cottage Studios.

Speaking of the Super Producer himself, I actually met up with Bernie during my visit with :devil: and over a few drinks we got to talking about future projects, dream teams... you know, Tinseltown stuff. He planted a few seeds (as he's been know to do!) which may just sprout into something. Bernie and the Beanstalk? Time will tell. Always does.
:huh: HowTH did I miss this thread all weekend long? :huh:


What's your first feature going to be?!
What's the budget?!
Distribution lined up yet?!
Pre-sold your foreign distro rights to Turkey yet?!

C'mon, man! You can do better than those hacks at The Asylum!

'Super Snailopus
Giant Slugator'!!!​
I think you're going to tear it up with that new camera, Mr. Pictures.

At some future point, I'd like to see Bernie diversify and bring his magic to the thespian world. He'd be perfect for a new film I'm currently hallucinating about called "Budget Hospice."
Definitely will be shooting a feature, with or without Bernie. He can be such a hothead that guy!

While I'm not a big fan of the genre, might consider a found footage supernatural/horror flick with Liesel Kopp from TSOTSS!

Won't have the body until end of week, the whole rig should be up and ready by mid month. Looking to team up with other SoCal IT peeps on projects. Need a shooter? B-roll for BTS? Hit me up. I'm fun to work with! :rolleyes:

Hoping to pull out the stops and get bizzee with bizznizz. Lots of scenes, shorts, concepts, and such to throw against the wall. My achilles heel is lining up locations. Will have to work on that.

That Cosina Voigtlander Nokton 17.5 mm f/0.95 lens is well beyond my budget range, but do you have any links to some sample clips? Would love to see it in action.

RayW... There Will Be Slime