My dog is legal again!!

breed bans are so ridiculous, they're based on nothing other than FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt). As temperments go, Pitbulls are one of the more calm and docile breeds ironically. Poodles and collies are far more likely to attack than your run of the mill pittie.
Definitely a lot of idiocy going on in the baltimore area.

I had a woman tell me one time that she had to give up her pit bulls because she could try them to attack but not to be house broken. So many things were wrong with that sentence.

My dog is a def a baby. He was bit once and didn't fight back, but that's how i prefer it with him. Such a bad reputation that he will immediately get blamed if there is any kind of skirmish
Glad it worked out in the end.

Shame some breeds get a bad rep due to bad owners. But to pass a law to say they are inherently dangerous.... Crazy...

Dogs are great. :)
Now how can you ban something as adorable as this? Seriously.

Breed bans are absurd. What really should be done is making sure the owners are competent enough to own dogs. Perhaps people must be required to go through some training or class or something like that.

Thats more than we require people to go through for human babies :lol:

What I've always thought was absurd is that you can train a mean dog, and it bites someone.. then the dog pays the price. and the owners just go out and buy another dog. not like those kind of people ever really loved their dogs or suffered a loss in the first place

IDK about having to earn the right to own a dog.. but you should DEFINITELY be able to lose it!
What I've always thought was absurd is that you can train a mean dog, and it bites someone.. then the dog pays the price. and the owners just go out and buy another dog. not like those kind of people ever really loved their dogs or suffered a loss in the first place

So put down the owner if the dog bites someone? I think you'd have better tained dogs if that was the case but it might be going a little too far ;)
So put down the owner if the dog bites someone? I think you'd have better tained dogs if that was the case but it might be going a little too far ;)

I never said anything about the death penalty. Actually I don't believe in capital punishment, check out the documentary After Innocence for a revealing look at the system.

How about if you train a vicious dog and it maims a little kid, you go to jail as if YOU maimed the little kid. Or even for 6 months. It would be better than what we have now.

You can't sue some lowlife with no credit score because their dog bit someone. They don't have any money in the first place.

And then they just go out and get another dog. it's really messed up
I have a purebred sharpei, big jaw, 20 minute lock jaw time...would definitely bite an intruder...

But to see her with us and the kids you would think she is the cutest, cuddliest beasty on the planet and thats because she is.

No such thing as bad dogs, just dick head owners.
Good for you, sfoster! And good for Maryland legislators for pulling their heads out of their asses. I've got an American Staffordshire Terrier (fancy-looking pit), and every single person who comes to my house wants to take her home because she is just the sweetest, most loving dog on the planet. I'll admit that my lab/sheppard/hound mutt is my Golden Child, but for visitors of my house, the pit is definitely a fan-favorite.

Anybody remember when the breed that everyone demonized was rottweilers? And before that it was German pincers. Depending on who you talk to, German sheppards are fucking evil.

It's not the breed. It's the person raising them. Pits are naturally gentle and sweet, playful, affectionate and obedient.
wow that dog was lucky as hell.
chained up for a polar bear to come eat it!! they're one of the few animals on the planet that will eat humans as a food source

I don't recommend spending much time in arctic villages if you are a dog lover. <_< Dog chained outside every house, many chained in places where there aren't even houses. A few running around feral, but those don't survive long due to the "bored, drunk human" factor.
I've spent enough time living in arctic like conditions (Minnesota winters), no plans on spending time in arctic villages any time soon for me. :D