Movie about drones in the style of Lebanon (2009)

So I was reading on Brandon Bryant, a former USAF Drone Pilot that has PTSD and am looking to watch the movie Lebanon, which is filmed entirely in a Centurion tank through a gunsight ( and had the idea of movie like that, about a drone mission in some Middle Eastern/Eastern European crapshack.

Basically, the movie is filmed through a Predator Drones camera, as it watches/tracks down a suspected Terrorist who just living his life (Taking care of his kids, buying stuff etc etc) as the pilots prepare to fire a Hellfire missile at him.

Thoughts? I think it can be a good movie if done right.
Lebanon is a classic , I have a small film poster framed on my wall. The "Das Boot", of armored urban warfare.
For me those two films where about the claustrophobia of their environments. The narrow space occupied by reluctant combatants. It had much more to do with the environment they were fighting from, than the actual conflict they were fighting.
Personally I don't think you would get that with an unmanned drone.
However ! I think you would get that, if you lock the pilots in a claustrophobic room, especially if say the 3 man team had a fanatical officer , plus someone who's slowly boiling up toward some kind of post dramatic breakdown and a third who is beginning to doubt what the legitimacy of the orders.
Add tension by having the commander slowly and secretively, sabotage communication with the outside world, and faking a lock down so they cannot get counter orders from higher up.

Just a thought.. I'm old I ramble away a lot lol :grumpy: