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lens to use for "FOUND FOOTAGE"

ok so i have a canon rebel t2i, with magic lantern installed. Question is, if i were to shoot a found footage style film, where one of the main characters is filming the events, what would be the best lens to use? Considering all i have is the 18-55mm and 55-270mm telephoto lens. I feel like you'd need a lens with very little DOF so that mostly everything is in focus majority of the time?

Your question is answered by answering this:

What would the character be using to film whatever they are doing?

Then buy that camera and use that one. If it's a T2i and they are students, use the 18-55. Your objective with a "found footage" film is to convince the audience they are watching an authentic reel of footage that has been found. If this means your character would use an iPod nano, that's what I would do...
Well can I get everything in view in focus with the 18-55mm? If so how?

Everything? Not with any lens. But a stopped down aperture and a wide lens helps for sure. The best way to keep focus is to turn the wheel when you need to. If the characters are using a t2i, stuff will lose focus from time to time or seeing a rack focus isn't a big deal.
Yeah ill look into a wide lens. Only prob is there gunma be running a lot and stuff so pullimg focus while in a situation where the main charater is beimg terrorized would feel unrealistic.
The T2i is, in my opinion, a totally inappropriate camera for this sort of project. It's main selling points are the depth of field and cinematic qualities that can easily be achieved at great value. Neither of these are necessary for a found footage project and if you are looking to have people running about whilst filming then the rolling shutter effect will throw everything off. Unless it makes plot sense that your character has a DSLR then I'd recommend investing $250 on eBay for a camcorder that will produce the 'right' sort of footage for the project.

Well half is found footage, and half is an actual film. Like it switches between someone filming stuff to actual scenes. I have a 200dollar Dv tape camcorder that ill test out
you would definitely want a totally different camera to separate out the two types of footage, otherwise they will look totally similar.

I honestly suggest using your iPhone or an iPod ...