I didn't get the plot to Cell 211. spoiler

Why did the negotiator tell Malamadre, that Juan is one of the guards? That just puts Juan in danger, and Juan cannot keep up his charade anymore and be a possible asset to the outside. And he would be in likely serious trouble for getting a guard killed. I don't get at all why he did that, unless I missed something?
I have no idea what film you're talking about, but like most plot holes it probably happened because it added more drama (tm) and potential conflict to the story?
It explains what happens, but I do not get the characters motivation at all behind his actions. Are their any websites that give away character motivations in the spoilers or anything? It says what he does, but I am at a complete loss as to why he did it.
You could do a google search.
Do you Canucks have google up there? Or some other search engine?
I don't think them poor unfortunate Sasquatchians have google, C.

Otherwise, why ask so many questions here where you could just go search for stuff yourself?
Imagine having a wife. Then imagine that wife having an unborn child. I'd have cut that guards testicles off before I very slowly slit his throat.

Motivation for what?

It explains what happens, but I do not get the characters motivation at all behind his actions. Are their any websites that give away character motivations in the spoilers or anything? It says what he does, but I am at a complete loss as to why he did it.

"Malamadre tells Juan that if the GEO team invades instead of agreeing, then he will either die or kill Juan. In either event, Malamadre insists only one of them will live, as punishment for Juan's betrayal."

...like most plot holes it probably happened because it added more drama (tm) and potential conflict to the story?

Just like I said. :D

You're often not supposed to 'get it'. A mere plausable acceptance is enough to allow many movie goers to ignore it, and carry on enjoying the escalating drama and conflict that it has facilitated. Many movies fall apart upon closer inspection. I wouldn't lose sleep over this one.

Film goer - "Oh noes! Why did x tell y about that? Now z is gonna be really angry!"

Director - "Yeah, but now we can fly planes into some really tall buildings while the nut-job killer goes on the rampage at the school, which then allows the hero to suckerpuch the terrorists and dive out of the plane on his exploding shark before saving his sweetheart from the 60ft monkey which he tames and rides to the school just in time to dish out mega-noogies to the nut-job killer!"

Can we lock the thread now please? :D
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