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story How can I further develop this supernatural horror movie of mine?

Hello! I am currently working on a horror supernatural movie about Christian mythology.

The title of the movie is Shedim.

The movie is about a type of demon known as a Shedim.

Shedims are not fallen angels. They are demons from the beginning. They are demons who are native to Hell. Hell is where they came from.

Compared to demons that are fallen angels, shedims are far more brutal, far more ruthless, far more sadistic, and far more aggressive.

Compared to fallen angels who only possess their victims, shedims don't just possess their victims but also turn their victims into scary monsters while they are possessing their victims. The shedims will then brutally kill and brutally eat a lot of humans. Shedims commit brutal violence against many humans while possessing their victims.


But the main story of my movie is about a 27 year old male American by the name of Duncan. Duncan is struggling to buy a home where he can live. Due to a coincidence, he then met a stranger who offered him a large beautiful mansion for a cheap price. The mansion is also still in good condition. At first Duncan felt strange that the mansion is cheap despite the mansion being large, beautiful, and still in good condition but Duncan was happy that the mansion was cheap so he bought it from the stranger.

Duncan was happy with the mansion he bought. The mansion is in an American countryside.

Duncan started living alone in the mansion. Then, Duncan notices that strange things begin to happen in the mansion in that objects in the mansion are moving by themselves while there are loud ferocious inhuman screams coming from the basement. Duncan can't find the reasons why it is like this.

This led Duncan to go to the basement where he found a secret door. Duncan then opened the secret door. Duncan then found out that the door is actually a door of a room with a path that goes somewhere. Duncan then used the path to go somewhere. The path leads a person to go deeper and deeper below the land that the mansion is on. The path led Duncan to a cave so Duncan explored the cave. After exploring all of the cave, Duncan then found a path within the cave and this path goes deeper and deeper below the cave. Duncan then used this path to go deeper and deeper below the cave. The path led him to a large room that looked strange. The room has one door so Duncan opened the room. After Duncan opened the room, he found that the inside of the room looked strange.

He then remembered that the room looks like one of the rooms he saw on the paranormal investigation and mythology history reality television show that he watches.


According to the show, there are rumors that these types of rooms were created far deep below land way before the flood in the Bible. According to the show, the rooms are created by a human civilization way before the flood(the flood that Noah of the Bible escaped from) in the Bible. The rooms are created for members of the human civilization's nobility social class.

According to the show that Duncan watches, a member of the nobility social class typically use one of these rooms to summon a shedim from Hell in order for the summoned shedim to replace a dead family member(This means one's father, mother, spouse, or sibling) of the nobility social class member. According to the show, this action of the civilization's nobility social class members summoning shedims is the first contact between humans and shedims.

According to the show, this action of the civilization's nobility social class also led to the first time shedims arrived on Earth.

The reason why the civilization's nobility social class members summon the shedims this way is because according to the paranormal investigation and mythology history reality television show that Duncan watches, shedims are glorified and worshiped by the human civilization's nobility social class as benevolent powerful beings that can protect humans and be the friends of humans.

But in order for the nobility social class member to successfully summon the shedim to the room and replace his or her dead family member, the nobility social class member has to make an offering to the shedim he or she wants to summon. The nobility social class of the civilization typically use royal objects such as nobility social class chairs, nobility social class bracelets, etc. as offerings to the shedim. Once the shedim is summoned, the shedim will then make the room and the offering as its homes as well as replace the dead family member of the nobility social class member that summoned this shedim.

The shedims then acted as the dead family members of the civilization's nobility social class members that summoned them.

But the human civilization's nobility social class found out that the shedim aren't really benevolent because as time went by, the summoned shedims quickly became violent and started brutally killing, brutally hurting, and brutally eating the families(This includes one's father, mother, spouse, or sibling) of the civilization's nobility social class members that summoned them. Then, the souls of the civilization's nobility social class members that summoned the shedims were dragged to Hell by those summoned shedims.

By the way, the human civilization's government does not have a centralized government because the rulers of the human civilization are the rulers of each of the civilization's ethnic regions.


After Duncan opened the room he found, he found a chair inside the room. The chair looks strange. The chair is also the only object inside the room and is at the center of the room's floor. Duncan imagined that the chair could be one of the royal objects used by the civilization's nobility social class to summon a shedim.

Duncan was not satisfied because he still did not understand why objects in the mansion are moving by themselves and why there are loud ferocious inhuman screams in the basement but Duncan still decided to go back to the mansion. But before Duncan goes back to the mansion, Duncan took the chair he found with him because he thinks the chair looks beautiful. But what Duncan doesn't know is that the chair is possessed by the shedim Tuakto. Tuakto is a very powerful shedim. Like most shedims, he is very sadistic.

Then, Tuakto started to violently attack Duncan for many days. After many days, Duncan then got possessed by Tuakto. Tuakto then started brutally killing and brutally eating many people in the countryside where Duncan's mansion is in while Tuakto is possessing Duncan.

A Christian priest successfully exorcised Tuakto out of Duncan's body. Duncan then decides to leave the mansion as well as the countryside where the mansion is in but no matter where Duncan goes, Tuakto always follows and finds him. He was forever haunted by Tuakto. In the end, Duncan got possessed by Tuakto again and became a monstrous being again. Tuakto then starts brutally killing and brutally eating many people while Tuakto is possessing Duncan.


So what do you think of my supernatural horror movie?
You wrote:

But the main story of my movie is about a 27 year old male American by the name of Duncan. Duncan is struggling to buy a home where he can live. Due to a coincidence, he then met a stranger who offered him a large beautiful mansion for a cheap price. The mansion is also still in good condition. At first Duncan felt strange that the mansion is cheap despite the mansion being large, beautiful, and still in good condition but Duncan was happy that the mansion was cheap so he bought it from the stranger.

No offense but this concept of buying a new home whether it be a mansion or farm home or whatever has been done to death. I like what you've come up with but this just happens to be something I know a little about and from my understanding, a SHEDIM has more to do with Jewish mythology than Christian mythology.

You wrote:

Duncan started living alone in the mansion. Then, Duncan notices that strange things begin to happen in the mansion in that objects in the mansion are moving by themselves while there are loud ferocious inhuman screams coming from the basement. Duncan can't find the reasons why it is like this.

Again... Been done to death. Can't tell you how many horror movies utilizing this concept that I've seen this happen in.

I'm not going to keep reading because I'm thinking that this is going to be more of the same i.e., pieces of lots of other horror movies utilizing this concept. The only real thing I can see that you have that's different is the SHEDIM but like I said... I am not really aware of the SHEDIM in Christian mythology.

All in all? I think if you want to do this for the experience and of course, fun? GO FOR IT.

Having said that... I think if you're hoping to actually do SOMETHING with this eventual movie... Push it toward festivals and the like? You might want to consider a completely different way of having it play out that we've not seen before. PUSH THE ENVELOPE. Just because somebody else made a similar movie doesn't mean a similar movie should be made.

Yes... Horror films can be done on the cheap and for that reason, if they are done well? They can find success but trust me... As I scroll down Vudu looking for horror movies to watch? I can't tell you how many horror movies utilizing this concept I come across. Yes, they are on Vudu but that's about it and they really aren't making their money back.

Just my two cents and please... Don't take this personally. I just call'em like I see'em.