Advice: Don't ever compromise on Sound

Please listen to me, SOUND... IS... MORE... IMPORTANT... THAN... PICTURE... QUALITY. If your sound is dodgy, even your picture looks bad. Viewers are more willing to forgive picture than sound. Always hire a dedicated Sound Mixer. Even if your DoP says he can do sound as well and you're on a shoestring budget, try by all means to get get a dedicated sound guy please.
Story is more important than sound. If your story is boring.... blah blah

Then the marketing people chime in... marketing is more important. Who cares how good the story is or how it sounds if no one watches it.

But you're right. Sound is important. Everything is important.
Sweetie, just coz Sound is more important doesn't mean we should switch of the camera. But why are you so offended anyway? Are you a cameraman by any chance? Or camera woman.
why are you so offended anyway? Are you a cameraman by any chance?

I'm not offended. Why would you think I be offended? If I were a cameraman, would that be a dirty thing according to you?

No point in arguing over which anything is more important. It's all important.

Exactly, it's all important. Much like which wheel on your car is more important to keep inflated.