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Proll Out - Animated SciFi-Action - Translator


i'm a German Indie-Filmmaker. For nearly 5 years i'm working on an No-Budget animated SciFi-Movie called "Proll Out". It's about two Extra Terrestrials in their Flying Saucer battling another bad alien race.
It is one of the biggest independent projects in Germany. Currently i'm on the Soundmix and my composer is working on the Music. I think it will be finished to the end of the year. I'm gonna send it to a lot of german filmfestivals next year.


There are already some teasers online. Here's one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1f_rMh-mLE
(english subtitles available on Youtube with the CC-Button)

I'm looking for an english Native Speaker, who can help me with the translation of the film.
I want to make an english Dub version of it. My english is not the best, but i can make a rough translation of the script and need someone, who can check it for correctness.
The tricky part is, there's a number of german puns in the script, which can't be translated completely and must be rewritten in english. So it would be good, if you're creative in creating play on words.

Hope this finds somebody. I think this will be fun.
Nicely done. Looks great. I'm sure I'd appreciate it more if I understood what was being said.

I agree an English Dub is what you want. You don't want the cool visuals being ruined with sub titles. English speaking countries have been spoiled.
This film is one of the best ever produced here in germany, even if its just from one guy it was a lot of fun composing music for this film!

Please Guys, help us to make that big thing international! Thomas deserves all the credit, he's a genius guy!

The animation and production value look great! Unfortunately, the (imho) unnecessary and excessive shakiness prevented me from finishing it. I'd offer to help, English is my native language and I can understand quite a bit of German, but I honestly couldn't watch a whole movie like that. Too bad, as it looked really good.

hey there, I saw the post and watched the 3 min video. Did you find a translator yet? I speak both languages, bin geborerner Amerikaner und habe sogar wissenschaftliche Dokumente uebersetzt. I'll look at your translation and see if I can help (I bet it isn't bad). gary
Hi there,

thanks for all you who offered help. I found someone to translate the script and it works very well. But it's good to know some people who also could help in such case.

I'll keep you up to date with the english version of the film!