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watch what I do

This is my baby. It's been shown on 3 theater screens. I haven't had many pieces in many film festivals, but some people really seem to like this one. Some people seem to really dislike it...

Judge away...

[EDIT: I FORGOT TO LABEL THIS AS POTENTIALLY NSFW. It doesn't look like I can change the the title now, but then again I don't really think there's anything too terrible in the film. It's on youtube, after all.]
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short answer: at the time I made it, I had just noticed that most of my recent work was purely synthetic.... not using cameras, existing only in the computer from pre-prod to consumption. It was all incidental....I never intended to work that way, but just that's how my projects were going. So I tried doing it consciously this time, but with the added limitation that I couldn't produce any animation for it, either.

I needed a hook to hang the project on, and the subject matter was something I'd wanted to work with for a long time.