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The project

Okay so I know a lot of people ask this question every week or so. But who wants to help me write a screenplay. I am not much of a writer. But I have the visual concepts to put it into a script. I can visualize what I want. So who wants to help? We can write it and then get the script onto the screen. I am 100 PERCENT for real on this project. So email me if you are interested. Thanks
It helps if you tell us a couple things:
1. What is the logline for your idea.
2. What's the genre--comedy, horror/thriller, fantasy/sci-fi, etc.?
3. Are you looking to film this yourself or shop it out?
4. What does the co-writer gain from this?

There are lots of screenwriters here who would like an opportunity but they may not feel comfortable with a specific genre or length. Also how credit is given (or compensated) is an important issue for many writers. Just things to consider when asking for assistance in writing a script.
Sorry I should of put all of that in the question. The genre I want to do is more of action/thriller. I would love to film it because it would give me some credit and experience. It would be cool to maybe submit the script in contests or even film it then put it into festivals. The co-writer would get credit and money if we would get anything.
Okay well its kind of a vague idea. But two best friends (guy and girl) are in their last summer before they go off to college. He has been wanting to tell her how he feels about her(they known each other since they were little). Then the first day after high school she gets captured. Police have given up on the case after they dont have enough info to find the girl. So the guy takes it in his own hands to find his best friend and future girlfriend.----I know we can make it better. But that is the general idea im going for.
unrequited love and the one armed man?

Police would not give up on a kidnapping, however, if there is no real evidence they might just come up with "shes a run a way" ...

Try some log lines..

"When a popular girl goes missing on graduation night, an unlikely hero risks everything to find her and prove his love."

"When a girl disappears and is presumed to be a run away, her best friend battles the forces of apathy and embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue her, along the way he develops the strength to tell her his true feelings, only if he can find her before its too late.. "
I would love to film it because it would give me some credit and experience.
This will determine what the script will be. What can you afford
to shoot? Are you ready to shoot a feature? Can you afford to make
a feature? Would it be more likely to get finished if this were a

Writers who are 100 PERCENT for real about their writing do not
want to put in the time, energy and talent to write a script to
YOUR specifications if they feel you cannot get the movie made. No
matter how for real you are, if you cannot afford to shoot a
feature you cannot make a feature.

Okay, you have a set up: A guy looks for his kidnapped friend. You
have some character background: the guy has never told his friend
he loves her. You don’t have a story yet. And you have a confusing
timeline. The first day after high school the girl is “captured”.
By the time the police “give up” would be many months. So when
does your story start? In high school? the day of the capture? Ten
months later when the police have put the capture on the back

A writer who is as 100 PERCENT for real as you are will need to
know what your story is. Or they will create a story from your
starting point. I would write a very different story than
FantasySciFi who would write a very different story than wheat who
would write a very different story than dlevanchuk. I wonder if
any of those stories would be the story you have already

I know you know this is just a vague idea. Are you looking for a
writer to turn your vague idea into story of their own?

Several questions asked here. If you can answer them you may be
closer to getting what you need from a writer who is 100 PERCENT
for real.
well either a short or feature. it depends

Okay, let me put it another way:
I'm game or not depending upon how many hours you want me to invest in THE PROJECT.

I can bang out a five page, five minute short almost for the halibut if given enough resource constraints on your end.
However, I'll likely not construct intricate story construct and complex character arcs for a feature length film just for credit & fun.

Writing a 90minute feature is asking... maybe an easy hundred to three hundred hours of cogitating, roughing, writing, and God-only-knows how much back and forth with the director/producer over budget constraints, locations available, talent pool, and post-production effects.
I respect how much effort goes into a screenplay.

It could be fluff or babies.

So,... How many minutes long do you anticipate THE PROJECT will run?
5 - 10?
(I STRONGLY advise against anything between 11 and 80minutes).
Uh, uh! The writer's task here is the classic: write something that he can
afford and enough classy so that he will shine, even if he's a beginner.

A surprisingly good story that he has come up with, I think, after reading
the first posts.

Desperado, now maybe first work out the optimal logline and then
go for it. Ask for a story with max three characters if you want. Limit
the locations and props if you want. Limitations mostly don't limit the
writer's creativity. Motivation is more important. Best for motivation
is to know for sure that you truly will shoot the film and not come up
with a load of excuses instead.
I probably cant afford that much to be honest. And maybe a short would be better. Maybe the short could be just him rescuing the girl and showing flashbacks of the girl getting captured. This could take place in a small town where cops and rangers cant do anything about it. Then it could take place after 3 weeks she was taken. Im looking for someone to collaborate with me and both write the script. Sorry I haven't responded, internet has been down.