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BEAUTIFUL! I was in Germany for 2 months a few weeks ago, and I stayed in the VG of a friend in Heidelberg for several days! A wonderful, exciting town. It was cool to see places I know... very nice music, composition, editing, and jaw-dropping time lapses. I love this style of cinematography. Bravo! Hammer! Sehr shön!
BEAUTIFUL! I was in Germany for 2 months a few weeks ago, and I stayed in the VG of a friend in Heidelberg for several days! A wonderful, exciting town. It was cool to see places I know... very nice music, composition, editing, and jaw-dropping time lapses. I love this style of cinematography. Bravo! Hammer! Sehr shön!

haha thats funny! Your right - Heidelberg is a nice city!! :)

Glad you like the film!
This is one of the most impressive video I've seen. It's as beautiful and sophisticated as any professional clip.

It looks like a lot of post-processing was involved. I've never seen colors like in the time-lapse scenes. What kind of color grading did you do? The selective blurring, is that called diffusion? What software was used?
This is one of the most impressive video I've seen. It's as beautiful and sophisticated as any professional clip.

It looks like a lot of post-processing was involved. I've never seen colors like in the time-lapse scenes. What kind of color grading did you do? The selective blurring, is that called diffusion? What software was used?

Thanks for the nice words!!!

Your right besides the long time that it takes to shoot a timelapse I was mainly sitting in front of my computer ;)
Basically the timelapses are shot with still photos. Thats the first point - a 18 megapixles JPEG (or even better the RAW) gives you more options for color correction and the ability to have long exposure shots.
The cc of the timelapses sequences is very simple - its more or less just a lot of saturation and a bit more contrast. Fore the other scenes i used Magic Bullet Looks.
The blurry part is called tilt-shift. I used an after effects plugin from Frischluft Lenscare (Depth of Field) to simulate it...
Hope that helps a bit :)
Thanks for the info! Very interesting.

When I first saw the time-lapse sequences, I thought they were CGI because of the unusual color look.

I've heard of tilt-shift before for the regatta scene in "The Social Network". I read they also did it digitally in post.
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