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can I get your opinion on my movie trailer?

The MPAA issued you a PG-13 for this trailer which includes multiple instances of the f-bomb and some big ol' titties floppin' around? :hmm:
It a fine trailer. I don't like with when people add the MPAA copyrighted
logo at the beginning when they haven't gotten an MPAA rating - seems
really desperate-to-be-professional to me. Your audio is pretty bad. It has
become way to cliche to use that Dick Dale guitar piece in a crime film.

But I think the trailer itself is quite effective. The poor audio would give
me second thoughts on deciding to see the movie, but I was intrigued
by the story.
I can't tell what the story is?? Something about a kid being kidnapped, then some boobs, and I lost it. :)
But seriously, it seemed convoluted. That could have something to do with the audio. I couldn't
understand what was being said. Also, I don't think your subtitles are accurate, but it was hard to understand so I'm not sure.
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I would also change the font for your text. And what was the reason for the green color? It's was kind of distracting, I would stick with standard white.
I agree with losing the green/colored text. It looks home movie-ish. It has good parts but to me it feels like two movies spliced together. Young boy adventure/Hip Pulp fiction-y crime caper. It feels like it's going after two seperate audiences. While it would be great if that worked, it usually doesn't. It feels to me like it should have one theme either "Oliver Twist" boy adventure or Crazy Crime Caper film. The audience isn't going to see something that they can't really define UNTIL some famous movie critic writes how brilliant this "unique" film is. A clear GENRE trailer I think will help at this level.
Just a thought...
However "disjointed" this appears to the above comments, all that aside, I think the second trailer you posted was a huge improvement over the former. Great trailer!