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watch Yokanaan Martins: The Capitola Juggler !!PLEAST VIEW!!

Here is another short documentary I made. Please view it and let me know what you think! Leave comments!:

After a brutal car accident breaking both legs and shattering his left knee into pieces, Brazilian native Yokanaan Martins has used his passion of soccer ball juggling as a form of rehabilitation. This is a short interview conducted by myself outlining his love for the art that he has grown to become an icon of in the Santa Cruz/Capitola area. Enjoy!

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/20092436?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0" width="398" height="224" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Here is the link as im unsure of how to embed the video within the thread:

If you like this, and havent seen my other post, watch stencils: a look into the artwork of elijah jennett. Thanks for watching!

-Matt Posada
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