Can you help me?

Hello. I really wanted to use my music making talent in independent movies. I live in a really small town in the Midwest where not much happens and i'm working alot. So the web is going to be my primary source of "trying to find something" for right now. Does anyone know of any places on the web where i can hook up with independent film directors and let them know that i'm looking for a gig? Lastly....would you have any reccomendations on "how" i should let potential filmakers hear my music? Should i send MP3's? Or should i set up a website and post my creations there for them to hear? Thanks.....and i apologize for the ultra-newbie questions.
The easiest way is to just upload your compositions to youtube. We found our current composer just by finding a guy that uploaded his sample music to yt. Doing so will let any potential filmmakers listen to your work beforehand and if you want to approach them, just send them your tracks.
Welcome to IndieTalk! Lots of opportunities for music-folks. First thing, definitely set yourself up online where people can hear your stuff....reverbnation or soundcloud are good. You will need a real website, but not for a while. Post some samples of what you've done, and put a link to the site in the classified section here and other websites. There's lots of people looking for music, and if you do some scores for free, you'll build a portfolio to sell yourself for paying gigs. Scoring films is different than just writing music, and the only way you'll learn that is by doing it. Re-scoring films is a good way to practice/develop those skills, but that's another story.

When you've built a bit of skills, I'd recommend the 48 hour film project. Find the closest one to you, hook up with a team. It's a crazy rough challenge as a composer, but it's good practice, and if you go the meetups (probably Detroit), you'll meet lots of other indie filmmakers.

Anyway, best of luck, keep at it, and feel free to ask any questions! We're all in this together!