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Questions about writing a script?

Hello fellow writers,

I'm currently writing a script for TV so I can start something short before writing down my movie ideas and make them into a story before adapting them into a script. My TV show is about a kid who is between the ages of 19 and 20 who goes to college in NYC for film and has Asperger Syndrome. Now he's high functioning so he doesn't act like what usually people with autism acts like that are low functioning. He's very creative and athletic, he works out at the gym a lot to help cope with his anxiety. He makes a few friends in college because they have similar interests in film and the media. He becomes comfortable with them along the way in his first semester. When the fist semester is about to end he gets some bad news from his grandfather that he can't help pay for his next semester that he'll have to skip until next season. This leaves the character devastated and tells the bad news to one of his friends. One of them has an idea of how he can make money. The twist will be that our character gets dragged into the world of being a male escort.

So my question is do I write my script like in literature format where I have to look in the dictionary for words to use and put it into paper to make the story more interesting or do I just write how I want to write it visually because I've read books a lot and a few scripts and there's some major difference about them.
My TV show is about a kid who is between the ages of 19 and 20? Is he 19.5 years old?

Interesting story but why don't you try using the screenplay format when writing your script. There are many templates online for you to review.
So my question is do I write my script like in literature format where I have to look in the dictionary for words to use and put it into paper to make the story more interesting or do I just write how I want to write it visually because I've read books a lot and a few scripts and there's some major difference about them.
Write it using standard script format. And you should look for
words to use to make the story interesting. If you need to use
the dictionary then use it.