Canon Filmmakers Live?

Is anyone else thinking about going to the Canon Filmmakers Live Tour in March and April? I'm seriously considering it.
I've been thinking about taking a road trip to Chicago to go. If they were coming to Detroit it would be a much easier decision for me.
I'll have a 3 hour drive each way, myself. The hotels at Miami Beach are $200+ dollars a night and out of the question.

It will be a long, but hopefully fruitful day.
I don't know. I'm a little skeptical. I didn't see any mention of curriculum, so I'd worry that he might be teaching a bunch of stuff that I already know, or that is easy to find online. Not saying it won't be a worthwhile seminar, or whatever, only that without him providing more details upfront, I'd be very hesitant to spend my money on that.
would love to attend the San Francisco date but $150 is a bit much, very interesting though, probably would help me alot, being as I am still a noob
One of the few benefits of shooting weddings is the tax write-offs for gear and events like this. It doesn't make it free, but a tolerable hit.

My background is in television news photography, so the DSLR world and workflow has a certain forbidden mystery to it. Since it's an interactive workshop, one of the things I want to discuss is matching different camera types/settings for ease in post.
thats what I was thinking.... my tax lady told me I can write off the camera I bought, and FCP as well for next year, I just got both after the new year so I would imagine this would apply as well