actors acting like Divas

so I got some decent actors (for me)

they were all friends and that's how I got them to be in the film, however as time has gone on, we haven't even shot anything yet, they constantly bitch about each other to me behind each others backs, seriously, im 24 years old, got two kids and got some other serious stuff going on, I don't need this crap, then I have one trying to overtake the film saying he should have his label run things for the film...

hence to say I have now issued a new contract to set straight that no one other than my company will be running things, anyone else is merely a sponsor etc.

but seriously these people are in their 30's and 40's not been in anything major (or good for that fact)

its getting on my nerves I wish they would shut up and just worry about their acting rather than tell me about how they are feeling about other people.

I feel like if it carries on then im gonna just get rid of them all, I even had one ask me what happens if the film makes millions, I told him that it goes towards the next production.. as if he was expecting a large sum?

seriously!!! anyone else had DIVAS?
It doesn’t sound like you have “diva’s”. You haven’t shot anything
because you have two kids and some serious stuff going on. You’re
talking about making millions and doing another production but you
haven’t shot anything. You want them to worry about their acting
but you haven’t shot anything. You have issued a new contract but
you haven’t shot anything. You have one who is trying to overtake
the film because you haven’t shot anything.

All that would frustrate me is I was an actor.

You have very good reasons for not shooting anything. You should
understand that issuing new contracts does not make actors feel they
are part of a project that is viable. You haven’t shot anything. They
are expressing their frustration that you haven’t shot anything.

I know you just want to vent and you don’t want advice but rather
than thinking that your actors are the problem you should admit that
not having shot anything is the problem. Put this project aside until
your serious stuff is resolved. Tell your actors how much you appreciate
them and how much you want them to act in your film once your serious
stuff is resolved. When you are able to commit your full attention the
this movie your actors won’t be frustrated.

Or just get rid of them all right now.
I've done short films with friends and it's crazy because they all have their opinions of how things should be, some always want to shoot the scenes over and over until they feel they did a great job. And they waste so much time.
I think it's easier if you have a crew because with a crew it's like you have more people on your side and actors don't want to question as much and they will go with what you want more often. I think that's why there is such a thing as a 1st AD. You don't mess with the first AD. He tells everyone what to do and that's how it's going to be.
Even if it's just two people running things, you're better off.
This sounds less like divas and more just differing expectations. That's usually a reflection of lack of leadership.

Part of your job is to deal with managing the personalities of your cast and crew. Talking about each other behind their backs to you isn't that unusual, it'll happen on some level any time you get more than two people working together. As the one in charge of the production it's your job to figure out how to deal with it.

You can either participate in it directly or passively (just listening without contributing) - in either case your actions provide tacit approval of what they are doing and encourage it to continue. Or you can shut it down when it happens - either directly, by calling them on it when they do it, or indirectly through deflection or redirection as soon as they start. Either way - if you're really in charge of the production then this is part of your job. Getting rid of them all won't change things, you'll just end up with a different set of people doing the same thing. You have to define the culture of the community you have created around this project.

As for who's in charge - they're working on your film, right? And they're working for free... that means they don't really have much stake in the film. Why wouldn't you expect them to want a greater stake in something they're contributing their time to? It sounds like you've made it clear that if the film makes money it won't benefit them. How many jobs have you worked in your life where you weren't getting some direct benefit from it?

So what is it they're getting out of being part of it? If you can't answer that at all, there's your problem. If you can answer - but your answer doesn't match what they're looking for - there's your problem. You need to find out what they are hoping to get out of it, and either figure out a way to make it happen or find someone else who is willing to work within your expectations. Just understand that those expectations may be no more realistic than expecting someone to come work as a waiter at your restaurant for free - and that your available pool of actors may be severely restricted because of it.
It sounds like they are not actors, just friends of yours. I could imagine actors working for free/little pay since it is a chance for them to improve their talent and do a film with a director they might want to collaborate with in the future. But what are your friends getting? How can your actors be taking over production if you haven't shot anything? What would they be talking about behind your back? Why would you tell them if the film is successful, they will get little/nothing? (If the film is successful) they should be getting money for being non-professonial and unpaid actors dedicating their time to being in a friends film.
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Ouch, man Wish I was a part of your crew, Hell I act for free some people have to udnerstand it is idpendent film making not hollywood shit. sorry to hear you got some rough people on your crew really wish we could team up.

You haven't shot anything yet? Fuck em' toss an add on craigs list and go from there, I did it.