> Examination: YouTube Top Content Providers

Please visit
Social Brain Wave
@ facebook to learn more about how a group of us are
helping promote the works of the individual members to
a level that is beyond what could be done alone.

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This is the investigation, analysis, and dissection of the top youtube content providers defined by those with the most subscribers.

The intent is that by understanding what elements go into the concept, design, execution, and promotion of market valued content that we ourselves may adopt some of these practices in developing our own content.

Why would we want to do that?
Why would we even care?

For my own reason -
From the light research I've conducted in crowdsourcing at the beginning of the filmmaking process and the marketing and promotion of the completed film products the key is to come to the table having already cultivated a following.
> Cold calling for fi$cal attention is grossly ineffective.
> Bring an interested crowd to your crowdsourcing campaign.
> Bring an interested crowd to marketing and promoting your finished film.

I would like to see some of the reasons others here at IT are interested in top youtube content providers.
Zen Steve?
Lucky Hardwood?
Icba Pictures?
Paul Griffith?
Any one else?




Looks interesting: http://willvideoforfood.com/


OVS = Online Video Studio
OVC = Online Video Company



This looks waaaaaay more complicated than just hanging out your shingle and hassling your family, friends, and forum friends to watch and subscibe.

Getting a little off the path with this one: http://videoproductiontips.com/equipment-needed-to-set-up-a-simple-video-studio/
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There is only one story posted and I have not added links, a front page, SEO, or several of the other features, but Socialbrainwave.com is up and running.

Send me articles, videos, links, and anything else you would like posted.

Once I have all of the email information I will set up everyone an account. Oh, I setup a twitter account and linked it. I also created a terms of service, privacy page, and a contact form.

I need the link to the Google plus page, facebook page, and any other pages we have.
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Color adjusted background & resized. (Didn't help the pixelation at all.)


Hooray! It's on page 2 of GifNinja.com's "Today's Most Liked"! http://gifninja.com/most-liked/today/p/2

Tinkered with some export settings, mostly making the clip longer, hoping to smooth it out.
I don't think it made a significant impact.

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In principle I agree, but would want to push that date off as far into the future as when we're talking about some coin worthy to buy promotional advertising for SBW that's worth the administration hassle - including the arguments that will undoubtedly arise.

If it makes significant money, I'd put in a vote that it goes into a fund for us all fly to somewhere, get together and make some production together... you know, as a bonding experience, for fun and so on. Expenses paid, but no pay. Who knows, there may end up being enough money there to make a cheap movie. We could come back here and ask APE on how to fix all the audio issues ;) How much fun could we have right?

I am pretty sure we can do better than $1 a day. As far as updates go, I say each show has its own day. And is put out either weekly or Bi-Weekly. Special events can be given a specific date. Will be promoted on the show.

We can quite easily, but it's also a possibility.
If it makes significant money, I'd put in a vote that it goes into a fund for us all fly to somewhere, get together and make some production together... you know, as a bonding experience, for fun and so on. Expenses paid, but no pay. Who knows, there may end up being enough money there to make a cheap movie. We could come back here and ask APE on how to fix all the audio issues ;) How much fun could we have right?

We can quite easily, but it's also a possibility.

I think I'd prefer that in the short term we take money out of the equation for the central channel.
I've added the following as subscriptions & features channels on SocialBrainWave

Clickity Clow
Tiffany Sky
LuckyHardood's channel
MetalRenard Music
the Danger theatre

Please let me know if I am missing anyone.

Does anyone want to create a logo for the group?
I've added the following as subscriptions & features channels on SocialBrainWave

Clickity Clow
Tiffany Sky
LuckyHardood's channel
MetalRenard Music
the Danger theatre

Please let me know if I am missing anyone.

Does anyone want to create a logo for the group?

So far so good. I linked the page to SocialBrainwave.com Have you tried featuring other content on the main page yet?