Export my netflix ratings?


Staff Member
I would love to export my netflix ratings and the associated data with those films into a csv or xml file or something.

Years back I wrote some fantastic data visualization software. It allows you to categorize and visually drill down into data graphs. It would be really fun if I could apply that to the movies I've seen but it's daunting to think about the data entry it would require to accomplish it manually.
I tried using the file_get_html on a ff saved html, chrome, and then also a firebug inspected inner body. All are returning null for file_get_html.

I did read somewhere that it's not a natively supported function? Although I'm not getting an undefined function call. I could simply email my html file if that's easier.. second step will be to iterate through these and try to pull more information from an API somewhere.. such as director, year, awards, etc.

I'm anticipating cool things like doing a breakdown by decade and analyzing if I think movies are getting better or worse. Stuff like that :)
I added trace statements to simple_html_dom.php

new-host:netflix-parser sfoster$ php cli-tool.php
Strlen of contents:2823355 MAX_FILE_SIZE: 3023355

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 72 bytes) in /Users/sfoster/Desktop/netflix-parser/simple_html_dom.php on line 1455

Would you be willing to take a crack at debugging with my html file
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Probably a php max allowed memory issue.. php can be finicky with memory settings.

Excellent, thanks for all your help. I can crop out the html into two files and combine the csv's. Great! :clap:

This is a great start.. hopefully I can find a way to add movie data to this stuff. Some kind of public API where I can input a movie name and get back director, writer, year released, etc

Just with name and rating it doesn't give me very much information to create a data visualization dashboard.

A quick google search looks like IMDB gives me hope
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If I'm following this thread correctly, I think Netflix has already changed the way they display the "What You've Rated" page. Mine doesn't have the infinite scroll / dynamically loaded content described in an earlier message. Now it just shows about 20 of your ratings, and there is a "Next" button to go to the next page to get 20 more.

So it looks like this solution won't work any more?

Update: Ok I figured it out! The page is different if you have streaming vs. DVD Netflix. It works as mentioned only if you have *streaming*. For those of us with just the DVD service, you can actually still get to that page if you type in (or copy/paste) the URL directly... https://www.netflix.com/MoviesYouveSeen
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