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Screenplay idea: P.D.T. goes wrong...

P.D.T means here Personal Data Trafficking and it's the main character's " job". He gathers contact data(phone number, e-mail address, etc.) from celebrities, producers, agents and managers from all entertainment industries(movie, music, etc.) and sells them for a lot of money to those interested. He made up this job, since he thinks it's easy money with no consequences!:) (PS: Are there people who do this in real life? Just curious...).

One day, along comes a customer(the villain) who offers to buy several contact information. The hero agrees to sell a few contacts, gets the money and moves on. Only to find out later that one of the contacts he just sold to the villain was found dead. A few hours later, another one dies. This makes him wonder what happened and if this is because he sold this data or it's just a coincidence.

He does his researches and finds out the villain is in for the kill. The villain was an actor with a very unsuccessful career. Although he acted in a few commercials, people complained of his lack of talent and difficult personality so everyone decided he could never succeed. The villain was " kicked out" of the movie industry. Now, he is bound on revenge, because the way he sees it, they betrayed him(he is a psycho), they were unable to see how great he was and deserved to be " punished". He plans to bring down all show business(Hollywood, music industry) by killing a lot of people. He especially hates high-level, successful actors and actresses, but this doesn't mean others in the industry are safe.

Now, the hero, who is the most hated man in show-business, must convince his " victims"(of data trafficking) to leave their conflicts aside and find a way to stop the villain. He is met with much hostility, and distrust, but nevertheless, people understand the danger and accept his help. The hero must fight the villain to prevent more killings.

Why don't the cops step in? The villain is not a mere crazy fool with a gun, he is very dangerous. Like a few high level officer(that's why the cops always say the deaths are just accidents or overdoses and refuse to properly investigate), the villain is a member of Take Action(he joined with them soon after he was rejected a few times), a terrorist organization characterized by racism, bigotry, antisemitism, and a crazed fantasy of a so called " pure society" where all evils of modern day society are annihilated and people live in a ''new earthly heaven". But this, according to them, can only be created if those they hate are dead. Take Action agrees to train and back up the villain, because they see the movie and music business as corrupt, infested by evil and filled with worthless human beings who " deserve" to die. Take Action also has a secret agenda. At least their leaders: by eliminating top celebrities and industry people, they could then use what's left behind(the movie studios, crews, record labels, etc.) to promote their vision through plain propaganda!!

The hero and his people(trained by a former secret service agent, now an action movie consultant) must thwart the villain's and Take Action's plans and save the lives of those he " sold". And there is also room for romance and " save the princess" type of story, since the hero and a top actress fall in love with each-other during the movie and there could be a situation where the villain or Take Action captures her and the hero must save her...:)