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"Potential Inertia" - $10,000 Feature Film

Hello all! Just joined the other day, and wanted to let you all know that we've released my feature on VOD and Digital Download via VHX and Indie Reign. We spent 2 1/2 years, from the start of shooting until release, making it.

The entire film was grassroots funded from nine different countries around the world, and nobody was paid. We just wanted to tell a story that everyone believed in.

If you're interested in watching it, please visit: http://www.indiereign.com/video/potential-inertia -- or -- http://potentialinertia.vhx.tv to rent or buy the film.

Thanks so much. Hope everyone has a great day! If you happen to watch the film, please leave a reply below with your thoughts. Thanks!

- Matt Croyle
One Fish Films
Pennsylvania, USA