Will they publish my novel?

So I'm writing a story int he form of a novel and a screenplay at the same time, and I intend to direct and produce that film myself. My question is, is it possible to publish the novel though a film has already been made? Or if I publish the novel first, will I be able to make the film?
Thanks! ^_^
No, I'm not self publishing. I want to know if I'm able to publish with like a real publisher. Thanks for the tip though :)

Also the movie isn't based on the novel. It's more the other way around. I started a screenplay but I was having trouble because I've never written in that format before, so by writing it also in prose (which I have done) I'm able to think about the story and characters muh easier. I'd only try and publish it if it came out any good, of course.
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My question is, is it possible to publish the novel though a film has already been made? Or if I publish the novel first, will I be able to make the film?

Both are your intellectual and creative property.
You can do anything you want with your property.

So I'm writing a story int he form of a novel and a screenplay at the same time, and I intend to direct and produce that film myself.

Nothing like aiming high.

You are aware that getting a literary agent is actually very hard? It's even harder for an unknown writer to get a publisher so interested in your work that they'll publish and market it (both costly exercises).

You say you want to direct and produce the film yourself. Do you have the funds to do so? Or are you looking for a Hollywood studio or other prodco to finance it? If it's the latter then be aware that selling a screenplay is damn difficult too (Hollywood movies have avg budgets $30m+ so your screenplay has to so good that it can justify such budgets and inherent risks).

Also even if you can sell it the buyers will want a seasoned director to direct it not an unknown.

There are exceptions to the above but they're exactly that - exceptions, far from common.

Write the best you possibly can and good luck.

Both are your intellectual and creative property.
You can do anything you want with your property.


this is what I wanted to know. THanks! I didn't quite know if I get to keep the rights to stuff.

Paul, I'm not aiming that high. Both my father and my uncle are amazing writers but neither have gotten anything published besides essays or poems in magazines. I don't anticipate the novel being published because I know how hard it is to do that, but I just wanted to know if it was hypothetically possible. ANd apparently it is so maybe I'll try.

My film idea is not going to be that costly to direct at all, mainly because it's a slice of life story and there really isn't that much external action (the most would be someone getting in a small fight). And I have many friends who are actors, so I've got that going for me. As for equipment, I can borrow anything from my school's AVP class, and they have some really cool stuff!

I'm really not aiming high at all lol. The most recognition I anticipate this getting is like SxSW.
this is what I wanted to know. THanks! I didn't quite know if I get to keep the rights to stuff.

Paul, I'm not aiming that high. Both my father and my uncle are amazing writers but neither have gotten anything published besides essays or poems in magazines. I don't anticipate the novel being published because I know how hard it is to do that, but I just wanted to know if it was hypothetically possible. ANd apparently it is so maybe I'll try.

My film idea is not going to be that costly to direct at all, mainly because it's a slice of life story and there really isn't that much external action (the most would be someone getting in a small fight). And I have many friends who are actors, so I've got that going for me. As for equipment, I can borrow anything from my school's AVP class, and they have some really cool stuff!

I'm really not aiming high at all lol. The most recognition I anticipate this getting is like SxSW.

The fact that you can get the gear and make the movie with your friends is a great help.

Whether the novel is published or not, write the screenplay and make a movie out of it. But try to keep the number of locations (and type of locations) to those that you could have access to.

For screenwriting I use the free and very good Celtx:


Not the very good but costly Final Draft.

You can find free screenplay format guides here:


The above site also has lots of helpful screenwriting articles and advice.
No, I'm not self publishing. I want to know if I'm able to publish with like a real publisher. Thanks for the tip though :)

Also the movie isn't based on the novel. It's more the other way around. I started a screenplay but I was having trouble because I've never written in that format before, so by writing it also in prose (which I have done) I'm able to think about the story and characters muh easier. I'd only try and publish it if it came out any good, of course.

What published work do you have in print and how well has it sold?

If you are a first timer, start with short stories and seek to sell them to magazines to build a track record.

Writing a short story or novel is a different style than a screenplay. It's best not to write both at the same time because of this. Each one takes a lot of discipline. I am currently writing a short story for magazines based on a screenplay I wrote. I won't go back to the screenplay until the short story is done.

I've been working with publishes and writers since 1996. So, I have more experience than some of the other members here.

Book publishers are like studios. They won't give you a chance without a track record of material that has generated a fan base.

Don't fall for scams to publish a novel or a comic book.

You need an agent to represent you to a publishing house like you need an agent to represent you to a studio with a screenplay. You won't get an agent to represent you to the big studios and publishers without a track record of making money and a fan base.
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Having a foot in both businesses, IMO your novel idea is DOA. Not only you need to have a heck of a lot of talent, you absolutely need an insider (a reputable agent is nice) and a heck of a lot of luck.

We're talking about the same odds of an indie feature film (under $1 mil) succeeding. Hitting two in a row for the same title would be quite astronomical.

I will say there IS money in writing non-fiction. You don't need agents and luck. Only talent and marketing savvy. There's more money here than any type of indie filmmaking.


If you are going to make the film anyway, self-publish the novel in advance (200 copies will do) and squeeze PR out of the tie-in with the film. This will help establish credence during pre-production, and when the film is done, you can get extra mileage from dual marketing. You'll also be both a novelist and a filmmaker.

Good luck.
Since the poster has told us they are struggling with the writing of the novel, I recommend first creating a fully detailed outline like you would with a screenplay to map your story. Section it off by chapters.

If you never did this type of writing before, I recommend taking college classes in fiction, short story writing, screen writing, and creative writing. I have not personally seen any college classes for novel writing. The classes will help. You will get great support from fellow classmates, which will help you develop as well.
I was probably going to print a few copies of the novel thing myself and offer them as prizes on some sort of Kickstarter. I'm honestly not even close to starting to think about that. The film takes precenence over the novel, too.
My script is such that it will be pretty easy to film. A lot of it will take place in like someone's apartment. Should I like start a thread specifically for this screenplay? :/
Then what'll happen on THIS thread?
Just keep working this one.
