Selling,business for script in general

Hello, im introducing in the business of the scriptwriting (specially for films for now) but I only know about 3 methods to sell a work...

These are:

-Normal trade: making a normal transaction between the film house and the writer,the house get the rights of that material

-Salary: working for number of pages....¿?

-Special:Giving the script to the house, the writer waits a year meanwhile the movie is being produced ,then,when it releases and start having financial winnings with box office,they give to the writer a percentaje,and the writer retaining the ownership (legal rights) of the material

As you can see I'm extremely newbie at this..., I will appreciate so much your advices, thanks for reading
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You have it about right.

A buy out. When the production company (or studio or producer) buys
all the rights for the full fee. They usually buy all rights to the material.

Usually called a work for hire rather than salary. A writer is paid to write
a script. Rather than a number of pages each week there is a dead line
for the first draft, and then for subsequent drafts. Whoever is paying for
this usually owns all rights.

This is called an option agreement. The production company (or studio
or producer) pays a portion of the final fee. This gives them time to see
if there is any interest in the project. When the movie goes into production
the writer gets the rest of the money. Many time the writer will get a
percentage of the earnings.

There are many branches of these three possibilities, but you get the
general idea.