What's a film producer's bible?

I posted a thread recently on Jodorowski's Dune, and there was mention of his giant film production bible of that proposed movie. A few copies of that bible apparently still exist, but they are not accessible to the public. That said, I keep reading of references to how every film producer or director has a bible of some kind for every movie that he makes.

Can someone tell me something of this, and, better yet, give me examples that I can look at?
I've contributed to 'bibles' in the past, and have worked with Directors and Producers who have used them.

In my experience, a Producer's bible generally contains everything necessary to have the film run. That includes talent releases, location releases, location details, safety reports, schedules, scene breakdowns etc. etc.

Director's bibles sometimes includes mood boards, inspiration shots, location shots, notes, shot lists, storyboards, idea, scene notes, script updates etc.

Sometimes they're combined.

I've been asked to contribute lighting plans, shot lists, inspiration shots etc to combined production bibles...

Regardless of whether you call it a production bible or not, a Director is going to have copious notes, inspiration, drawings, shot lists, mood boards etc.
Whether that's combined in one book, a folder, or just in an area...

The Producer will need all those things and need quick and easy access to them. Again, whether it's put together in a book, kept on a computer, on an iPad or whatever, they're going to have all the information and pages regardless of whether it's officially termed a 'production bible'.

That's my experience anyway. Would be interesting to hear if there are others with different experiences.