Timbo New's: 15 second movie to Killer Mushroom

Hello, everyone! I hope all of you are having a great day or night depending what part of the global you reside at.

First, I would like to announce the image of The Claw Society symbol from my movie Human Season has been released on my twitter page (https://twitter.com/TimboFilm82)

Human Season is a film about a bounty hunter who discovers a shadow organization know as the Claw Society while on a special assignment.

The film is in the development/preproduction stages and looking to raise money for production.

Second, I just complete a 15 second movie script (that's right 15 seconds) which is titled, Peep Hole. There is also a One Shot Film title, Pour The Glass.

Lastly, The audio movie Killer Mushroom will be recorder sometime in the next few months.

Killer Mushroom is remake of tape recording done by my wife and here two bothers.

Stay tune for more information

It's a wrapped.

Tim "Timbo" Moore