Best Way For A Zombie Film

Please no more zombie films everywhere I go people are making the same thing over and over again.

If you must make one, please make it with a difference, it's like listening to the same song over and over again
If you make action zombie you have a lot less success to make it interesting. Killing zombies is not interesting to watch on the screen.

You need to go the suspense/thriller way. That's where you can shine as a director even with an overused theme as it is with zombies.
If you are just starting out and you want to make film about zombies - do it . It doesn't matter how cheesy and bad it will be,it will most likely be a fun time and you will learn a lot.

However if you are doing something serious for festivals it might be really hard and you should come up with something very unique .
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Have you considered the comedy option?

What about something new, like go through the story from the human perspective, rewind and then do it from the Zombie perspective. You know, "Zombie is only going out shopping for food for his family and is horribly smacked down by some guy nerd raging on him with a shovel."

I don't know, play with it... have some fun. Try to do something new.

or maybe... Human perspective: A group of zombies moaning "brains.... brains..." where they're really chanting "Equal rights for Zombies!" Meh I don't know... Zombies aren't supposed to talk so might be what you want... but hell, try to do something imaginative. Better than the crap that I came up with off the top of my head.

What if a Zombie was to cover a band?

What about a Zombie detective? A zombie reporter?

What happens if a Vampire tries to suck a zombie dry and vice versa.

Meh, tired.. Time for bed. Good luck!