Would An Internet Theater Be Cool?

I was thinking about this for quite some time now:

There are these crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo and they are kick-ass! However, I don't see one done for independent movies.

For instance, when a filmmaker goes to fund his movie, people give him or her money to produce it and in exchange, he or she gives them perks. Cool, right? What about the costs of making a movie on top of that, what about the costs of perks, actors, the equipment, it's endless! At best, your favorite independent filmmaker is breaking even. This means in order for there to be a sequel, it's another round of crowdfunding...yay. And that's if he can make enough to not having to cling to a job. So, it'll be years before you see your sequel.

What if instead of just crowdfunding for the production of the independent movie, we can do that (crowdfunding) as well as give the ability of the filmmaker to sell tickets to those who didn't fund the movie in the first place so that way, he can make profit so he can make another movie more quickly so you can watch it without having to pay ten dollars for popcorn.

What do you guys think about that idea?