YouTube Networks

I've recently been contacted to be part of a YouTube network, I'm already a full YT partner so have branding and monetization, the only thing more these guys could give me is promotion: However I don't know if they really give that much.

I'd be signing over 40% of earnings to them (on top of the amount YT automatically gets).

The underlying question is whether or not it is worth it? Because in reality big YTers who are part of a network are really just big because they make good content that is worth watching to a really big audience.
i asked how exactly one gets on a network. this michaelpoor guy responded with a vague, obvious response

Typically it is a combination of views per month, subscribers, and content frequency. The easiest network that I know of only has a monthly view 2,500 or a daily view of 84.

I believe the profit share ratio is 60/40 in your favor.