How to Fund Your Kickstarter Campaign

While I haven't funded a million dollar project or found a viral idea like making potato salad, or a BIG COOKIE, I have successfully funded two small Kickstarter campaigns, raising over $7,500 collectively for my films.


1. DON'T SLEEP - The reality is... pure and simple, you need to be prepared to lose sleep, contact every person you've ever known, post on every blog related to your specific field you can.

2. NETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK!!! DIG DEEP. Take people to lunch, be prepared that some will say, "sorry, I can't help you right now." Be nice!!! Notice the word, "WORK" in "NETWORK?" Call other people interested in working on your project. Have them make calls, ask them nicely to send emails/facebook messages. You'd be surprised who will help you, if they believe in you.

3. HAVE A GREAT VIDEO - I know a guy that can help you with this... LOL Don't make a boring video that explains the details of what you're trying to do. Notice in my video, I left you wondering? Sales is about the take away, and creating intrigue and interest. You show too much of your hand, people will say, "meh, sounds good, and good luck." Creating the feeling of "wanting more," is an excellent sales strategy.

4. SELL YOURSELF, AND NOT YOUR PRODUCT - Great salesmen know, people are 10 times more likely to buy from someone they like, than someone they don't like. Make a video that makes people like you and your enthusiasm, and they'll buy from you. Most commercials nowadays aren't about the product. They're about selling the company and its sense of humor more than the product itself. You like the company, you will be ten times more likely to buy the product. When was the last time you saw an Insurance company give you the details of coverage in a TV commercial? However, I bet if I sang, "Like a good neighbor..." you could finish the line.

5. FACEBOOK ADS - My co-producer mentioned this to me and I found an Executive Producer out of it. More people use Facebook than even Google. People spend 10 times more time using Facebook than any other website. You can target Facebook ads based on people's interests. For instance, my ads only went out to people who were interested in filmmaking, producing, directing, etc...

6. FIND FUEL - For me, I use people's disbelief and "that'll never work" comments as FIRE!!! What's yours?

7. HAVE A PROGRESS THERMOMETER ON YOUR FB PAGE "Cover Photo" - Self explanatory really. Update it everyday and people will see everytime you do and will eventually invest themselves in your success. Especially if they like you. (This will be gone in the next few weeks.)
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