
We've got some basics down but we arent pro's at it by far lol. From what ive seen i love the program after you figure out how to export cut edit and piece clips together its extremely simple just takes some getting use too i assume.
I am just beginning to play w/ it. It looks very promising. the interface works different from Vegas and Cinelerra.. Im learning the "mark & park" style of doing things. I like how you can set up rooms and bins w/ clips and edits. very flexible way of doing things. Lots of tutorials on YTube and the lightworks site has a good forum. Im waiting for the Linux port so I can wipe Windoze off my computer. I just made it dual boot so I can learn Lightworks on Windoze and when the Linux port comes out go 100% linux.
Lightworks is a very interesting system. Most editing systems rely on keyboards and drop down menus when all you need to edit in Lightworks is a console. The console is something to die for... It allows you to keep your eye on the picture and overall make your editing workflow better. If you want to use Lightworks i recommend getting one of those consoles but they're expensive selling for i think $2,800.