Which one is correct?

Can you please help me with something? Since English is not my native language, which one of the following is the correct one, or if all are correct, which one sound better?

1 - Farce Tales
2 - Tales of Farce
3 - Tales of a Farce

This is really important for me to know because it's a title of something I have to do and deliver.
Thank you all for your help.
I agree - option 3.

Alternatively, you could use "Farcical Tales," because "farcical" is the adjective modifying "tales." The word "farce" is a noun. But I think option 3 is still better.


"Farcical Tales,"​

Thank you all!
It's good to know that I can always count with your help.
I'll go for "Farcical Tales", I like it and it sounds good on the ear too :)