What's the deal with these error messages?

Is anyone else getting error messages because of these banners?

I'm using FireFox and every 1 out of 10 pages I go to within IndieTalk, I receive an error that something from isg30.casalemedia.com isn't loading.

This same thing would happen periodically on United.com, which happened to be the vendor's problem. So I would suggest speaking to whoever your banner source is and inform them of certain errors from your visitors. It is clearly on their end.

Anyone else have problems such as this? :huh:
Im on Deer park Alpha 2 (the latest firefox), and no problems here. Can you try on another browser? Please also make a note of what extly the error message says next time it comes up.
Here it is:

LOL It even did it again when I started writing my reply message!


Well it looks like it could have been my work VPN. Strange that it would only do it on ad 30 but I have not been able to recreate the error since I dropped the VPN. I've refreshed this page about 25 times and no errors.

Thanks to you all for helping me troubleshoot this! :yes: :D