Guillermo Del Toro: On Limitations

This was just posted Youtube about a month ago.
I think this video perfectly encapsulates how I perceive one of the most important jobs of the director. Because if I can't get something to go exactly the way I wanted it originally, it's not for a lack of trying. But being forced to make compromises or alterations also allows me to perhaps get a more concise, simple, and hopefully more elegant result than if I had gotten exactly what I wanted from my script, my set, my actors, etc. Making compromises or necessary changes allows a film to be spontaneous a bit. It allows the director to distance themselves somewhat from their vision, and bring something to the screen that even they didn't know it would turn out to be. But if they still did their job right, the final product will still be excellent, and entertaining to watch.
I love Guillermo Del Toro. Such a passionate and great writer/director.

I remember on my last short there was a scene that there were many of the fly changes I had to make. But honestly I think that they made the film better. You need to have a plan and be ready to wing it when it's called for.