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Freelance musician available for hire!

Hello! I'm a musician starting now to launch a new career in freelance music making for movies, video available for any job opening right away! Here is my soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/galiyuka
The works I did until now are all for role playing indie games so if you need a sample in a style not present on my soundcloud , don't hesitate to ask! :)

Here is a little faq to help you know me better and see how I work.

Why chose you?

Well, I'm beginning in this activity but I'm experienced in music making. I've been involved in numerous musical projects and already performed numerous gigs, including opening for acts such as Das Ich, Antaeus, Secrets of the moon and more. (people into extreme metal and electro/indus probably know about those bands.).
Also, I have a very wide musical culture, as I listen to really almost any kind of music, from 70's prog rock to hip-hop passing by foxtrot, acid jazz, metal, electronic music (by electronic music I mean anything from old Kraftwerk to acidcore or noise.), post-rock etc... so you can expect me to be able to make you accurately any request and cherry on the cake I'll love doing it. Music made with passion always has something more to offer right?

What are your prices?

It depends on what you're asking me to do, the number of tracks you're asking me to do etc. Therefore, if your budget is tight and your project really interesting me, I may be more "understanding" regarding this issue ;).

How fast can I expect you to deliver a track?

Depends on your deadline, depends on your request. Of course an orchestral 10 minutes symphony will take much more time and work than some short battle theme.

Hope to hear from you and have an excellent time collaborating on your project with dedication and passion :).
Please contact me through my email : nikodesign77 @gmail.com it will be faster to get an answer.
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