Let me write for you!

donkrouskop i am unable to know when you yourself are a writer then why looking for another writer?? you need a partner for writing?

I've tried writing, producing, directing, and acting in short films before, and even that can be a massive headache. This is a feature, so I'll have plenty to do without having to write the script myself.
I've tried writing, producing, directing, and acting in short films before, and even that can be a massive headache. This is a feature, so I'll have plenty to do without having to write the script myself.

I would be interested in seeing some of the short films you've been involved with. Are they online?
Really not smart sharing ideas on a public forum, tho it's fun to read:D

While we are on the subject, I'm looking for a buddy film, one in the vein of Lethal Weapon. Something completely new and original that will attract top talent, the type of movie major studios drool for and has plenty of sequel potential, one that will make me lots and lots of money.

Please post your detailed ideas here. :cool:
