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The film everyones not talking about!!

Stir in some Aki kaurismaki, maybe some Roy Anderson, a touch of Laurel and Hardy and sprinkle with extreme boredom, and you will get a result that is apparently:

"one strange film. It's also a great film" - Mark Bell, Filmthreat.com.

"a reminder that film can be done differently" - David Ollerton, London Film Review.

"a funny, thought-provoking and unique take on the Olympic legacy. Wondrous indeed." Jonathon Hopper, Close-up Film.

I give you www.thewickfilm.com.

I think this sums it up quite well:
"The Wick – Dispatches from the Isle of Wonder is not for everyone. It’s going to take a certain sort who can handle a quiet boil of a film to truly appreciate it, but if you’re that sort, you’re in for a treat. I personally loved the film, though I admit it will be an acquired taste." - Mark Bell, Filmthreat.com