Downey may not do Iron Man 4

I think Christian Bale is the perfect Batman, but someone will come along and replace them and eventually you won't even care. You may have favourites but that's because they acted in your generation.
well here insider news its confirmed that man of steel is the first movie to start collecting DC character for Justice League, but Christian Bales batman is not part of it
and yes this was the last Iron movie that RDJ will do, not including cameos in Marvel films, and Avengers 2, think of what Hugh Jackman did with Xmen, all of them were contracted for 3 films but then Hugh went on to do spin offs, such as Origin:wolverine, First Class, and Wolverine
I wouldn't cast Bale as the perfect Batman, and I haven't found one that I would consider the perfect Dark Knight.

Christopher Reeve is the perfect Superman, though.
That would be a major bummer if he didn't come back. Hopefully, this is just a negotiation tactic.

MrJay, I'm sorry you don't like fun movies.