$10,000 for Marketing

The forum is full of comments like these: "market your film..." "spend at least such and such % of your budget on marketing" "you have to drive traffic to the VOD company" but I really don't know how I should spend my money on MARKETING.

Say the movie is finished. Decent product.

How would or should one spend $10,000 to market their film?? I know it's not a lot but it's all I have available.

And don't give me this "Twitter and Facebook" crap. (I'll market through FB but not twitter)

I want to spend money in the right places. But WHERE? (e.g., paying a sales rep? google ads, youtube, i have no clue)

I hope you all can give me some serious advice! I'm hoping the IT forums as a collective can come up with a pretty stellar and unique ideas! A lot of you are an amazing pot of knowledge :) I would greatly appreciate it.
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Thanks for the great advice!

I do have a Google Adwords account with $200 credit on it. I didn't know how to use it so it's just been sitting there. What are split-test campaigns? I'm definitely new to marketing!