"Veep" hilarious camera joke

The Veep, which is on HBO, is one of those comedies that isn't about absurd situations. Instead, the jokes are the behind the back dialogue, almost every characters' seemingly inferiority complex and the accidental political faux pas. The one that had me rolling the most was this past episode 6.
The VP is at a photo-op at the orioles stadium, and during the scene there is a cut to Jonah, the lanky west wing liason dork or douche, talking to the photographer Ken. It goes something like

Jonah: what you got there?
Ken: oh... a 5d
Jonah: uh...interesting, why not a 1d.
Ken: A 1d for this...hmph don't need it, they're just standing around
Jonah: I got a 1d
Ken: (beat) So you take a lot of action pictures and sports and use alot of continuous shooting
Jonah: Um (beat) its more expensive

I've heard and had conversations like that which is why I think it was a nod to photographers.

at 0:31 is like a continuation
