Upcoming: "Terri"

Saw this film when it screened at SXSW and really enjoyed its unique approach to the otherwise typical teen coming-of-age drama. And this is largely in part to the acting of the two leads, John C. Reilly and Jacob Wysocki. They bring an excellent blend of comedy and drama to the film. Their relationship is hilarious, but in a very real, and very endearing way. Nothing slapstick, like some of John C Reilly's other recent films.

The title character, Terri, calls himself a monster though he's obviously a gentle giant. And he definitely fits the bill for that sort of outcast who can't really find his niche in anything that other kids in school are doing. But there's an intangible quality in his character - a sort of intelligence or understanding of the way things are that puts him above the rest. John C. Reilly's character is also a bit of a loner, which we learn as the film progresses. He's frankly kind of crazy too, but there's method in his madness. Overall, it makes for a great dynamic between the two. It was really fun to watch their friendship progress.

Terri is receiving a July 1 theatrical release. I assume it will receive a NYC/LA release to start and gradually roll out from there. If you have a chance to see this movie, definitely check it out. You'll be pleased that you did.

Great clip from the film - the first meeting between John C. Reilly and Jacob Wysocki: https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1356456047869
