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Kinoflix invites filmmakers to register for beta launch!

Attention Filmmakers!

Are you looking for a new distribution partner to more effectively promote & monetize your content?

Kinoflix is an Internet Television Network which seeks to provide filmmakers with a premium distribution alternative which will provide them with an increased level of financial stability within their filmmaking careers.

Kinoflix is currently seeking interested filmmakers which would like to participate in our private beta!

Each beta participant will receive a free lifetime producer membership;

Kinoflix's development team is currently hard at work building a product that filmmakers will be extremely proud of!

We are extremely fortunate to have recently added an extremely experienced full stack developer to our team that was recently being recruited by the most prominent Internet Television Network.

Kinoflix will be launching it's private beta sometime this Summer!

Please email us at mladen@kinoflix.com to reserve your spot

Show us your masterpieces!

Follow us on Facebook!

Multiple Revenue Streams

It is too early to go in great detail about our plans at this time, but we are well aware of what other platforms such as youtube are currently offering their content providers.

We plan to offer our content providers with several ways in which they will be able to monetize their content.

Our mission is to build the ultimate Internet Television Network for filmmakers and our viewers.

We are inviting all interested filmmakers to email us at mladen@kinoflix.com to reserve their spot in our upcoming private beta launch.

Kinoflix will be streaming short films. feature films and web series :lol:
Filmmakers wanted, register today for our private beta!

Once we are ready to launch our private beta, we can send you an official invitation. Feel free to email us at mladen@kinoflix.com to reserve your spot.

We are looking to launch our private beta within the next few months.

Kinoflix will not initially be acquiring content. We will be providing an extremely cost-effective distribution service which will provide our content providers with the potential to generate more revenue than they would through our already established competitors.

Filmmakers that register to participate in our private beta will be receiving a 100% free producer account.:pop:
