Drones for film making!

Hello, My name is Connor. I'm 16 years old and from the UK. I've always loved making short films, animations basically anything to do with graphics and media. More than anything else, I'd love to work work in the media and film industry. Being young and from one of the most rural parts of England means that it's hard to get access to learning and personal development in this particular field, which is why I'm self taught and self funded and I work really hard to fund the small amount of equipment that I do have. So far I've managed to get a camera and stabiliser. My main ambition is to make anything audio visual, whether this be short films, movies or even fan films. I take a lot of inspiration from the Star Wars franchise in general and love how George Lucas was able to make something phenomenal from a great idea and a very small budget.

Any advice would be amazing!! or if you have a spare 50p that would also be a massive help!


Thanks for taking the time to read my post!
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