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watch Nightstalk - Short Horror Film (2015)

My submission for the 2014 Dreadfest Horror Film Festival.

SYNOPSIS: A rampant serial killer has the newspapers in a frenzy. A young woman walks home alone at night. Unknown to her, she is being watched from the shadows...


This was shot in one night and edited over a week.

Comments/Constructive criticism welcomed! Thanks!

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That was good, worth watching! Although it has flaws, I genuinely enjoyed it! Don't know the horror festival circuit and maybe there are a zillion of these but it might be worth festivalling. Think it could get into a few.

Flaws I would say are it needed more suspense. Stronger camerawork and the usual editing tricks would've helped hugely. Nice editing tricks in there but some of the basic ones used to create suspense weren't in there.

I liked it though! Look forward to your next one.