simple compositing for 48HFP

Hello, all!

For my 48HFP, my team drew sci-fi. There are to be three effects shots. Two of them are so extremely simple that it'd be silly for me to ask anyone else to do them. The third shot is simple enough that I know I can do it, but it'd be my first time doing it, so if anyone is willing to do this, you'd save me the time of learning how to do it.

I need a laser. Just one shot. A standard Star Wars type of blaster laser.

It's going to vaporize the target. For simplicity, I'm thinking I'll just lock down the camera, get the shot of the laser being pointed at the target, then "shoot" the laser, keep rolling while target gets out of shot, and then just do a simple straight cut, from the moment the lazer hits them to later in the shot when they're out of frame. Instant, seamless, vaporization.

However, though I don't require it, if anyone wants to strut their stuff, and make it a truly fancy shot, it would be nice if we had some fancy compositing to actually show them quickly being disintegrated, some kind of particle displacement. The kind of thing that there are tutorials for.

As per the rules of the competition, this is an unpaid position. But of course you get credit, and get to take part in a movie that I think is going to be pretty great. :)

Please PM if interested.
One important detail I forgot to mention -- I will get the shot to you Saturday afternoon, and you will have until Sunday morning to get it to me.

Also, I've decided the lazer will come from off camera. No gun will be in the shot. I think that'll make it an easier composite, though that's not the reason for the change.

Anyway, I really hope someone is interested in helping! Just finished the script, and I'm pretty happy with it. I think we're gonna get some good laughs out of this one. :)